Sunday, September 18, 2016

Newburg Oregon (suburb of Portland) and Mt Hood

Sharon's brother and his wife live in Newburg Oregon . We spent a few days with them in early September. This area is close to Portland and consist of an area with lots of small towns surrounded  with small farms that grows a variety of fruits and vegetables. It appears to be an area that is ideal of these kind of crops as well as grapes vineyard. It has become well know for its wine producing  fields. As one drives around the area you will come upon all kinds of wine and tasting facilities.

While in the area we took the time to visit Mt Hood. Mt Hood was around a 2 hour drive from Newburg where we were staying. One of the advantages of having someone local show you around, they know all the net places that as a tourist one will miss (note picture of as specialty shop below)
Mt Hood from a distance

at the base of Mt Hood

As you might amazing it was cooler than what we have been use to for the last few months. Very windy as well.

Sharon's brother and his wife along with us at the entrance of the big Timberline lodge

Looks don't always tell the true story. One of the spots Sharon's brother stopped at along the way going to Mt Hood. Ever up that way it is a must if you are a pastry lover. 

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