Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Zion National Park (Southern Utah)

Over 30 years ago I had the pleasure of visiting Zion National park. If I remember correctly I was with my younger brother Joe and his wife Karen and their youngest daughter Ashlee. For Sharon our visit this time was her first. As she has with all our visits to National Parks and National Monuments on our Rambling Journey she had gathered information so we could take advantage of the best of all the parks.

We both were so excited we could not sleep the night before we were to go to Zion. So we got up early and headed out to ZION NATIONAL PARK. We had made St George Utah our home base for our visit to some of the parks while here in Southern Utah. So we had to drive several miles to get to our Zion destination. If you are not aware during the busy time of the season (May through October) when you visit Zion you have to park your car at the entrance and shuttles run every 15 minutes and drop or pick you up at several difference spots thorough out the park. If you want a parking spot from May through mid September you will need to arrive between 9:00 AM or after 3:00 PM. By limiting parking they are able to limit the number of guess in the parks at one time. Works better for better enjoyment of all while in the parks. 

In Zion as with several of the  parks we have been in, Rangers warn you constantly to be aware at all times for wild animals as well as bad weather. In Zion they told us specifically do not enter a narrow canyon during bad weather.  It is possible for a storm to be several miles away and still have a sudden rush of water come through a small canyon. Whether hiking the many trails, climbing, or canyoneering ones safety depends on your own good judgement, adequate preparation, and instant attention to your surrounding. I mention this because it is unbelievable how people violate these 2 principles. Rangers tell us that since social media has become so popular destruction in parks have decreased.

This year is the celebration of 100 years of the National Parks system.  We have found all the National parks we have visited to be in very good shape and appear to be well managed. In the more popular parks we have been in we have found that they are very organized and well prepared to accommodate the large number of visitors. We have found that not to be so in some of the state parks however.

On the east entrance of Zion canyon you have to go through a mile long tunnel which was built back in the early 19 hundreds. It is well supported and well taken care of but with the big rigs of today one has to drive in the middle of the tunnel so not to scrape on the edge. That means to go through the tunnel one has to schedule a time to go through. Of course the tunnel has to be closed down for a few minutes as the big rig passes through. Just be aware if you plan on going through the east entrance.  

So much for my rambling lets look at a few of the amazing picture we collected during our visit.
Next picture below is this canyon

Temple of Sinawava

Checkerboard Mountain
Close up of checkerboard formation on Mt. side
Explaining the next picture below

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful park. Looks like you and Sharon are having a great time. I envy your journey.
