Sunday, September 18, 2016

Yellowstone National Park

We had not planned to visit Yellowstone National Park because we both had been there a couple of times. However one day as we were cruising the Northern part of Teton National Park we came upon a sign indicating that Yellowstone was 20 miles away. We both love Old Faithful geysers and with Sharon's quest to get to as many National parks as possible to get her National Parks Passbook signed and stamped it was a must to continue on to at least the visitors center to get her stamps. Once there at the visitors center we ask how far it was to Old Faithful. The answer we received was 20 miles. Well 20 miles is nothing to us so we checked to see when Old Faithful was to go off again. With what we had to travel yet we would be there about 30 minutes before it was to do it's thing. Sure enough we made it on with time to spare.

Yellowstone National Parks inspires awe in travelers from around the world. New Zealand and Iceland are known for geysers, but nowhere are there as many as in Yellowstone. At the heart of Yellowstone's past, present, and future lies volcanism. Old Faithful is not the biggest (nor does it go the highest) geyser in Yellowstone but it gets the most exposure and is loved by all about every 90 minutes of the day. Below are a few of the pictures of our visit.
Lewsi Falls (29' drop) on Hiway 89 going North  from the south entrance

Below Lewis Falls

Old Faithful at near rest about 15 minutes before it blows

Old Faithful just starting to blow (note the 2 Ravens on the right. They done seen to get as excited as people watching.

Old Faithful flexing her muscles

Firehole River falls just South of Old Faithful


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