Monday, July 25, 2016

United States Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs CO.)

For me one of the high lights of our trip to Colorado Spring was to visit the Air Force Academy. Through the years I have had the privilege to assist students from the schools I have worked at to attend this Academy.  I have had the privilege to visit all of the US Academies except this one. As a result it was on my Bucket List.

Below I have shared some of the high lights of our visit. I would suggest if you ever are in Colorado Springs and have the time visit the Academy (a must are the Visitors Center and the Chapel).
Mountain view from parking lot at visitor center
The visitors center is located in the back part of the Academy close to the Mountains.
Cadet parade are with dorms in back ground, Located in front of Chapel
Track facilities
Chapel that has several different areas that represent different Religions for cadets to worshop
Inside one of the worship centers of the Chapel

Close up of  Pulpit area

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