Saturday, July 16, 2016

Ketchilken to Vancouver to exit our Cruise

From Ketchikan our ship continued south through the inside passage called Queen Charlotte Strait, Seymour Narrow and on to Vancouver. The Narrow was just that, as we approached them the banks were so close I wondered how this Hugh ship was going get through. But I guess since they come through there on a regular bases it would not be a problem. Sure enough with a little twist and turning we sailed right through but from my balcony it was pretty exciting.
Seymour Narrows

Another ship following us through the Narrows

We arrived at Vancouver our exit port about 7:30 AM on Saturday June 4th. Our family chose to stay another day in Vancouver so their would not be a rush to exit and get to the Airport. After all we all are 70 plus in age and all of us don't get around to that fast. The next day we caught and early 6:00 AM flight (up at 3:00 AM) on United by way of Chicago. We all dreaded going through International port (because we were in Canada) but I must say they really had their act together and it was a breeze. We landed at our destination, Springfield Mo late afternoon on June 5th.

Vancouver Down town business district

The Hawkins clan after exit from the ship in Vancouver

Brother Dolan probable hunting Bath Room

My younger brother Joe and his wife


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