Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Joshua Tree National Park

The Joshua Tree National Park is located not far south of the Mojave National Preserve. Actually Deserts don't have firm boundaries, and much of the park lies in the overlap between the Colorado and Mojave deserts This transition zone has a wealth of biological diversity and is home to species characteristic of each desert ecosystem. Some of the residents of Joshua Tree are Bighorn sheep, Chuckwalla, Gambel's Quail, Desert Iguana and of course the Great Road Runner. Joshua Trees only grow at certain altitudes and are abundant in this park. Even though it is called  a tree it actually is not. It is from the cactus family.

Sharon's younger son and grandson came up from San Diego and visited us .We all spent a day visiting Joshua Tree park. 

A lot of climbing activity in the desert on the  granite rocks.

Climbers as well as an example of Joshua Tree

Lucas our grandson probable on the search for a desert lizard.

Note all the Joshua Trees across the flats 
A small Joshua Tree

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