Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lassen Volcanic National Park

 As we left the Redwood country we were traveling South and East across California with a destination of Lake Tahoe.  Along the way not far from Redding we heard about a National Park we were not  aware of. Lassen Volcanic National Park. It sounded interesting so we set out to explore what it had to offer. It was the 15th of our present 411 National Parks. I consist of a myriad of natural and culture treasures from all four types of volcanoes (Shield, Cone, Plug,and Composite). It last eruptions was between 1914 and May 22 of 1915. Through generations many tribes of  Native American considered the area as a spiritual center. Of course it is impossible to show the beauty of the area but we have below some of the sites that were moving to us. ENJOY!

Since it is an active volcanic area scientist are constantly monitoring the landscape. No one can say when it will erupt again only that it will!  

A Composite Volcano 

A Plug dome Volcano

A Shield Volcano off in the distance on the right

Rain and snow feed the hydrothermal (hot water) system that lies deep underground. Heated by molten rock (example is the bubbling mud pot here).  Indicating evidence of  active volcanism and the potential for future eruptions. 

Southern entrance and visitors center 

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