Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tucumcari 1986 Class reunion (and flash back for JD)

Tucumcari Mountain the first thing you see when getting close to town from either direction on Hi 1-40
New High School (at least new in the last few years) In the same locating where I taught but newer building
On the 6th of August I had the honor to speak at the class reunion of the Tucumcari Rattlers in Tucumcari New Mexico. I was Director of Guidance and Track Coach for the 4 years these students were in High School (1982--1986). It was such an honor to be ask to come back to their 30 years reunion and give a small talk to them and to see all those in attendance.

I have included a few picture of not only the reunion but a few pictures around the town. When I lived there in Tucumcari the town had a population between 9000 and 10000. It now has had some major decline in population but still has a lot of pride as noted by the great school facilities it has. Also since the old highway 66 went through the heart of town it has some great vintage building, hotels etc. I have included some old pictures of some old great hotels as well as neon signs along Tucumcari Blvd where old Highway 66 run as well as some murals around town that tells the story of the history of the town and area.
JD while giving his presentation

JD with a couple colleagues while he was at Tucumcari 

Casual view of class of 1986

Set down photo of the Rattler class of 1986
More of the New High School at Tucumcari

High School Auditorium  

First Baptist Church where I was Baptized
Where I lived when I was in Tucumcari on 2nd street across from Library

A great vintage hotel on the Tucumcari Blvd ( a great place to stay)

One of many Murals in and around the town depicting the historical events 

When I lived in Tucumcari I would go out of town to this certain spot and every time see Antelope. 30 years later we went out to the same area and it was still there. LOL
Another favorite spot I use to go to for a little R&R 

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